This is pet care,
compassionately reimagined.

Vetted is here to be your one-stop shop for all health & wellness needs.

From in-person veterinary visits at our Health & Wellness Centers to our annual care plans24/7 advice from trusted vet pro, covered emrgency care visits, and ongoing tailored education for you and your pet

For $10/month, Vetted members love:

Semi-annual virtual consults

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24/7 access to chat a vet professional

No matter the question, big or small, we’re here and happy to answer. Stop googling and chat with us on the app! If an emergency arises, we’ll let you know if you need to take your pet to the ER.

Free emergency
exam visits

Have you chatted our vet pros and they suggest an ER visit? No worries! Simply head to a Veterinary Emergency Group (VEG) ER and show them your Vetted Membership for a free exam ($170-$200). Use it as often as you need!

Referrals to specialists

As pet parents ourselves, we know there’s a ton of information out there. If you need a referral to a hospital or a specialist, we're happy to make the connection for you.

Pet peace of mind, in your pocket

An easy to use mobile app, where help and resources are always at your fingertips. No more rummaging around for your pet records or utilizing google to get your questions answered.

Pet peace of mind in
your pocket

An easy to use mobile app, where help and resources are always at your fingertips. No more rummaging around for your pet records or utilizing google to get your questions answered

24/7 access to chat a
vet professional

No matter the question, big or small, we’re here and happy to answer. Stop googling and chat with us on the app! If an emergency arises, we’ll even let you know if you need to take your pet to the ER.

Health record organization and management

Trying to remember everything that happened in the last 6 months when you go to your vet? Impossible if you ask us. We’ll keep track of everything and even remind you when it’s time to schedule your next appointment!

Educational resources tailored to you

As pet parents ourselves, we know there’s a ton of information out there. Which is why we’ve created tailored resources for you and your pet so you can grow into the pet parent you’ve always wanted to be.

Free Emergency
Exam Visits

Have you chatted our vet pros and they suggest an ER visit? No worries! Simply head to a Veterinary Emergency Group (VEG) ER and show them your Vetted Membership for a free exam ($170-$200). Use it as often as you need!

Allowance at your local vet

When you see your vet – yes, you heard us, any vet of your choice – for preventative health visits (annual exams, vaccines, and more), get up to $245 deposited directly into your bank account.

Membership Options



Access to our app, including:

  • At home weekly check-ins
  • Curated educational library for at-home care
  • Digital & shareable health records
  • Customized reminders for appointments and care tasks
  • In-app booking for wellness center appointments


Home + Vet

All of the home care benefits of our app, plus:

  • 24/7 app access to vet pros
  • Semi-annual virtual consults with vet professionals
  • Referrals to animal hospitals and specialists
  • Waived emergency exam fees at VEG
  • 10% off all Vetted Wellness Center services

see what vetted members are saying

“We’ve loved our experience with Vetted! You’ve helped us stay on top of our pup’s preventative care and helped ease our concerns as pet parents. It was quick and effortless to ask a question about her digestion which prevented an unnecessary vet visit.”
— Lori and Josh, dog parents to Arya the Labradoodle
“Vetted makes it easy to ensure that all of your pet’s health records are conveniently located in one place and provides great peace of mind when you want to get a quick opinion on a health issue affecting your pet but aren’t sure if you need to take them in for a visit just yet!”
— Emily, dog mom to Walter the Schnoodle
“The 24/7 online vet support is AMAZING! Really helps to have peace of mind as a pet parent.”
— Zion, dog dad to Jelly the Labrador mix
“Knowing I am surrounded by the best team and they are caring for my pet as if he is their own gives me the ultimate peace of mind.” 
— Caro, dog mom to Teo the Mini Yorkie
“Vetted has been a unique experience for us. With pet healthcare, it’s been difficult to feel supported or even seen past Bo’s annual visits. Vetted has provided us with an extra layer of care and attention that we have so valued!”
— Amanda, dog mom to Bo the Pit-Husky Mix
“Going to urgent care is never fun, but because I have a Frenchie I find myself there often. I’ve already gone three times this year and saved $600 in doing so because of my Vetted membership.”
— Alejandro, dog dad to Shor the French Bulldog

Have questions about membership before joining?

Check out our FAQs