Why Vetted?

Vetted was created from a love of pets and a desire to create a service that would empower pet parents.

At our core, we want the same thing as you: for your pet to live a long, happy, and healthy life.

But until now, the pet industry has focused on sick care, not true healthcare.

There’s virtually zero education out there on how to properly care for your pet utilizing a preventative method. Imagine as a human going to your doctor and saying “I don’t brush my teeth, I don’t cut my nails, I don’t clean my ears, and I also don’t eat a nutritious diet. ” They would be SHOCKED! But this is the reality for the majority of our pets.

And it’s not your fault.

The resources and education just haven’t made their way to you! No one trains you on how to be an excellent pet parent. They just say go to the vet once a year and you’ll be fine.

Enter, Vetted.

The place where happy & healthy pets go to remain happy & healthy! Since we are not an animal hospital we don't see sick, surgery, or euthansia cases. This allows us to truly focus on prevntion- and spend that time empowering YOU the pet parent! 

After receiving all the important services in our in-person visit we set you up with an annual care plan that  allows us to co-parent alongside you for at-home care.

We’re there when you need us most with 24/7 advice from a trusted veterinary professional, covered emergency care exam fees, and ongoing tailored education for you and your pet.

Although pet insurance is great for emergencies, it doesn’t cover preventative care or empower you on necessary at-home care.

Your pets, through the eyes of pet insurance, are defined as property. That is why pet insurance is modeled after car insurance, rather than human insurance.

Covering costly treatments for the effects of long-term gum disease, pet insurance doesn’t cover the tools and resources it takes to learn how to properly brush your pet's teeth (or promote excellent oral hygiene that takes less than 2 minutes a day). There needed to be a trusted resource out there for pet parents (just like you!) empowering you to become the best parent you can be.

We never want you to feel left alone to navigate pet parenthood between your twice yearly vet visits.

As pet parents ourselves, trust us, we get it. There's a TON of information out there on Google and Reddit and Facebook, and it’s often from your aunt or your friends or an unlicensed internet stranger. We get our advice directly from the source, our Vetted Council of veterinary professionals, meaning your pet gets the gold standard of care, every day.

While you may have multiple pets in your lifetime, your pet will only ever have you.

The Vetted Council is our behind-the-scenes vet team, ensuring you and your pet have the best tools and resources available at your fingertips. Their one and only goal is improving the life of your pet and your time with them.

Become a Vetted Member today and let us help you give your pet their most incredible life imaginable.
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